December 28, 2012

A Pleasant Surprise!

Hello everyone, sorry for disappearing ...

I must say this was a pleasant surprise we did not expect it! Evie over at La Coutuirere Dimanche has chosen us for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. You may recognize her from We Sew Retro-Thanks Evie!
The rules of the award are to thank who gave it to you, share 7 things about yourself, then nominate 10 other bloggers and let them know in a comment they have been nominated.
Here goes:
1. In Austria I went on a Sound of Music Tour!
  2. Would love to learn how to pattern draft
3. I wish I could dress someones kids vintage
4. I can't knit 
5. I don't drink coffee 
6. I find the coolest stuff on people curbs
7. I wear contacts
1. I have an obsession with vintage luggage and eyeglasses
2. I love to bake-especially desserts!
3. People mistake Vera and I as twins when we are together
4. I wrote a play when I was nine years old
5. I learned to sew 3 years ago
6. I don't know how to swing dance :( I'm going to make my friend teach me
7. I love finding vintage schoolbooks

1. I'm a guitar nerd and I play a little too 
2. I own over ten polyester shirts (I'll probably post about it one of these days) 
3. I've never learned to sew in a zipper! (I don't know how that one slipped through the cracks)
4. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was ten
5. I often get mistaken for the middle sister instead of the youngest
6. I LOVE the 1930's
7. I've always dreamed of learning to surf (I will one of these days)

After searching and debating, here are the 10 blogger nominees:

December 13, 2012

A Trip to the Skating Rink

 Living in California, I can count how many times I've been ice skating (which is once). This winter I want to say that I've at least been twice! I always think of rich colors and plaid as the ideal ice skating outfit. This look seems to span a few decades with its classic items and textures.
A Trip to the Skating Rink

 The history of ice skating is an interesting story. According to a study by Federico Formenti of the University of Oxford, it suggests the earliest ice skating happened nearly 3000 years ago in Finland. Apparently original skates were simply sharpened, flattened bone strapped to the bottom of the foot! Instead of skating in the ice, the skater merely glided on top of it.

Walt Disney and Wife
  Invented by the Dutch in the 13th or 14th century, a different kind of skate was designed. Instead of bone ice skates, they were made out of steel with sharpened edges on the bottom to aid movement. Since then, the construction of modern skates were modeled after this method. In either case, ice skating had been enjoyed for centuries!
Here are a few photos of vintage ice skaters:
Ice skating in the1940s
Young people in the 1950's skating
Kiddos in the 60's getting ready to skate
Have fun and don't slip!

Sincerely, Vera

December 9, 2012

An Outfit from the 40's

Although I love the 60's groovy scene, my love for the 40's has never diminished! This is my first authentic 1940s dress. We used Vintage Vogue 2787.
When working with the pattern, I made a few slight modifications. The gathering on the shoulder was a little excessive and I had to trim the piece to make it less bulky. I believe the pattern requires shoulder pads so I also made the shoulders narrower.

I also shortened the hem to a more flattering length for me which is right under the knee. I really like this length because it makes your legs look longer with out showing your knee.

Dress: made by me
Gloves: Thrifted
Bag: Gift from Estate Sale
(Viv's) Shoes: Natural Comfort (Overstock)

Thanks for reading!

December 5, 2012

Today in Movieland- Charade 1963

 Today December 5th in 1963 Charade aired in the United States.
 Directed by Stanley Donen, written by Peter Stone and with music by Henry Mancini Charade was destined to be an classic. It's a perfect mix of romance, comedy and suspense. Staring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn this stylish thriller is very much directed in a Hitchcock vein. Grant plays Peter Joshua who meets Regina Lampert (Hepburn) in Switzerland. Walter Matthau plays a man who informs Mrs. Lampert that during the war her husband Charles and three other men stole money from the US government. The three men are after her, because they think she knows the location of the stolen money. Later, when meeting her again in Paris, Peter Joshua offers his help when he discovers her husband was murdered and all her possessions are gone! Also with James Coburn and George Kennedy this film is one with many twists and turns keeping you on your toes! 
Movie Clip: this is when Reggie (Hepburn) first meets Peter (Grant)

Photos from the Flim...

Fun Fact: The movie was filmed on location in France.

Fun Fact: The nightclub owner in the movie was actually a real night club owner.

Fun Fact/Character mess-up: When Scobie (George Kennedy)  is covering "Dyle" with a gun there's no way that he can pull the trigger because he has it in his artificial hand.

We always enjoy watching this film and hope you do too.
Sincerely, Vera

December 4, 2012

Drum Roll Please...

 It has been three weeks since we posted our first give-away and now the day has come to announce the winner of the Tangee lipstick! Before announcing the winner we want to thank everyone who has entered. The winner has been selected at random, and with out further delay the winner is... 

You are the winner!!
Please convo us on Etsy (brentwoodlanevintage) by Monday December 10th so we can get your prize to you as soon as possible!

--Viola, Vera & Viv

December 1, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

 Thanks to Ivy over at Evie's Tea Room for pleasantly surprising us with the Liebster Blog award.  We've enjoyed reading her answers to the questions given to her by Harlow...
Finally here are our answers to the 11 great questions Ivy created.

How long have you embraced vintage and why?
I've always loved vintage, but didn't start wearing it till about three years ago... I decided to embrace being different because I felt like modern styles didn't match my personality .
Which famous person/historical figure would you have dinner with?
 Julia Child, she can make the dinner too!
Which famous person/historical figure would you go shopping with?
Twiggy, I love her hip 60's style!
If you wear red lipstick, which is kind is your favorite?
I haven't found a favorite yet. I usually just wear whatever is cheap and works.
What era inspires and intrigues you the most?
Most recently I feel like I've rediscovered 1920's! And I've always loved the 1960's,  I can look at 60's fashion photos for hours (as you can tell by my pinterest).
If you could live a second life as a different person, which time period would you live in?
The 1930's (without the depression), I would love an Art Deco home!
What is the strangest vintage item you own?
Um, I think probably my Farmers Insurance Guide
What are some great qualities you have?
Appreciation and honesty
What it your favorite material?
Good old cotton!
What is your favorite vintage name for a female?
Cora (it sounds like a tough girl name from the 40's)
What is your favorite vintage name for a male?
Bruce (like Bruce Wayne, I've always liked Batman)

How long have you embraced vintage and why?

I loved vintage ever since I was l little girl, but I didn't actually start wearing it until I was a teenager. It made me feel like myself and I enjoy exploring different styles.

Which famous person/historical figure would you like to have dinner with?

Norma Shearer...she resembles my grandmother

Which famous person/historical figure would you like to go shopping with?

Edith Head. She'll make me look amazing!

If you wear red lipstick, which kind is your favorite?

I love wearing true reds and orange reds. But I haven't found one that doesn't turn pinkish on me  yet.

What era inspires you and intrigues you the most?

This is hard...Victorian has always fascinated me, but I can always find inspiration in the 1960s
If you could live life as a second person, which time period would you live in?

The 1940s

What is the strangest vintage item you own?

A vintage silver crumb sweeper

What are some great qualities you have?

I am a very patient person and I love to learn.

What is your favorite material?

Corduroy or Brocade

What is your favorite vintage name for a female?


What is your favorite vintage name for a male?



How long have you embraced vintage and why?

Growing up watching old movies and musicals, I naturally gravitated towards those styles. It didn't become a part of my wardrobe until about 2009. I've always admired the way people of past decades dressed and felt that it matched my personality best.

Which famous person/historical figure would you like to have dinner with?

Judy Holiday...she will keep me entertained

Which famous person/historical figure would you like to go shopping with?

Esther Williams....bathing suit shopping!

If you wear red lipstick, which kind is your favorite?

My current go to is Merlot by Clinique

What era inspires you and intrigues you the most?

I cant pick just one, I'd say the 50's and 70's

If you could live life as a second person, which time period would you live in?

the 1950's...

What is the strangest vintage item you own?

1960's Sew-In sweat guards, unused and still in their original package!

What are some great qualities you have?

resourceful, perseverance

What is your favorite material?

silk & suiting...

What is your favorite vintage name for a female?

Ginger (like Ginger Rogers)

What is your favorite vintage name for a male?


Now its time to pick the five additional blogs to receive this award; being new to the blogger world this was a very difficult decision!

Women Then
Vintage Lovin' Gal
Blue Ginger Doll
Between Me, You and the Gate Post
Like Johnny and June

Congrats everyone!!

If you are given the award:

1. Link and follow the blogger who awarded you.

2. Blog about the award.

3. Give the award to 5 other bloggers, preferably with less than 200 followers.

4. Answer the 11 questions we ask and give 11 of your own to the bloggers you award

Here are our Questions:
1. Why did you decide to create a blog?
2. Do you have any friends who share the same passion for vintage?
3. What decade first drew you into dressing vintage?
4. Before you embraced vintage what was your style?
5. Besides wearing vintage styled clothes do you also watch old movies and listen to vintage music? If so what is your favorite movie and artist/genre?
6. What is the oddest vintage recipe you've tried, want to try, or seen someone else try?
7. What is your favorite place to shop for vintage inspired or authentic vintage clothes?
8. What has been your most exciting find?
9. What is your favorite vintage hair style? (Either describe it or insert a picture).
10. If your life was adapted into a vintage movie, what actor would you want to play you?
11. Do you use vintage terminology and/or slang?

Happy blogging!
--Viv, Viola, Vera

November 26, 2012


Today is Monday the 26th, the last day to enter the Tangee lipstick give-away!
If you didn't get to enter, don't worry! Since we know you all have been busy, we are extending the give-away until this weekend to make sure everyone is able to enter!
So the new deadline is
December 3rd @ Midnight.
To enter is simple-all you need to do is follow the blog publicly (if you're not already) and post this give-away on some sort of social network (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, etc.) then in a comment (on the original post) put a link of where you posted it!

We've also been busy with give-aways, Etsy and now we're on Instagram!
Sharing things that you won't see on the blog, we'll post pictures of our adventures- food, hot spots of California and any vintage inspirations along the way.
Our username: brentwoodlanevintage
Have a great week everyone!
Viv, Viola  & Vera

November 23, 2012

ETSY SHOP Now Open for Business!


We've created Brentwood Lane Vintage on Etsy!
Check it out!
Since today is the Grand Opening, everything will be discounted!!!
Hurry it ends Monday, December 24th!

Punch this in at check out for the discount.
And remember there are only three days left for the Tangee give away, don't forget to enter!
Viola, Vera & Viv

November 19, 2012

GIVE AWAY- Tangee Lipstick

Hello Everyone!
We are very excited for our first GIVE-AWAY!!
We discovered this vintage lipstick called Tangee. This iconic lipstick has been around for over 70 years! Although the lipstick is orange it "goes on clear and gradually turns into the perfect shade for you...It moisturizes lips to prevent drying and chapping and looks freshly applied for hours." We've never used it but it sounds pretty cool and wanted to give you readers a chance to try it.
So tell your friends, tell girls at work, tell your mom, tell anyone who you would think would like to enter.

TO ENTER: all you have to do is follow the blog publicly (if you follow privately we cannot see you), and post a link to this give-away on some sort of social network (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Blog, etc.) then attach a link to your post in a comment. Please only enter once. Remember not to include any personal info.
The deadline is November 26th.
The winner will be posted within that week.
*We regret to say this giveaway is extended to only those in the United States and Canada at this time* 

Hope you win!
Sincerely, Vera, Viola and Viv

November 10, 2012

Eyeglasses are for Movie Stars

All three of us wear glasses. It is interesting to note that according to the Vision Council of America, about 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction. However, especially in Old Hollywood, images of glamorous stars rarely included glasses. So finding images of bespeckled actors can be fun. Here are some familiar faces in frames.

Robert Cummings, Doris Day, Phil Silvers

Marilyn Monroe

Grace Kelly

Grace & Marilyn's Glasses

Gregory Peck

James Dean

James & Gregory's Glasses
Here is a list of links to places where you can buy vintage glasses:
*We have not purchased glasses from any of these sources*




November 4, 2012

Outfit Post- An Autumn School Day

Its so nice to have some weather that isn't blazing hot or ice cold. With the weather beconming quite mild, it was a perfect time to take photos for this fall outfit. School has been officially in session for a little over two months now. I thought it would be fun to dress the part. We will be expecting some weather in the 90's soon! No autumn or winter clothes will be needed here, we took these photos for this fall outfit in the nick of time!

Reading intently on a park bench...

Pitfalls in English

 Accompanied with some vintage educational subject books, with my two french braids and penny loafers I thought I looked quite appropriate for school.

Time for an English lesson!
Sweater: JcPenney
Skirt: thrifted
Belt: thrifted
Knee Highs: Target
Shoes: Lands End (JcPenney)
Bag: Goodwill (in Arizona)
Books: Estate Sale
Glasses: Ray Bans (Lens Crafters)

Scuffed from recess...

Sincerely, Vera

P.S. We are going to have some hair tutorials soon, so stay tuned!

October 31, 2012

Sewing Creation-Mod Cloth Inspired Dress

I recently attended my friends French Café inspired anniversary party. The attire was mademoiselles in red and messieurs in black. I wanted something cute but still appropriate for the occasion. I thought of just buying a dress but it had to be red or least practically red. I found a bunch of cute and adorable dresses but every option I found just wasn’t red. Then I saw Can Hardly Kate Dress on Mod Cloth, I said to myself.....
“This is the dress I want, but I need it in Red!” 
Can Hardly Kate Dress From Mod Cloth

I figured I had to have a basic pattern like this in my pattern cabinet. Well it turns out we didn't own anything this basic. So I did the next best thing combined two patterns; I used Butterick 5209 for the skirt and McCall's 9279 View C for the bodice (drew in the V-neck).


After figuring out my pattern dilemma, I went to my favorite fabric store, Michael Levine's, where I knew I would find fabric I would like. With my inspiration dress picture in hand and looking in the novelty section, I found this really cute red 50's reminiscent geometric pattern. I purchased black fabric with raised grain lines that complimented red fabric, when paired together.
I really liked the way it turned out. Since I changed the skirt pattern piece multiple times after I bought the fabric, I realized that the 2 yards of my 45’’ fabric wasn’t wide enough to accommodate my curved circle like skirt look in inspiration dress. So for the future when working with 45'' I would buy enough yardage to fold it in half to ensure my curve wouldn’t be cut off at the ends.

The Result!

Dress: made by me
Belt: Thrifited
Necklace: Thrifted
Shoes: Sofft
Sunglasses: Giant Vintage (Tops)

Happy sewing!

Always, Viv