
September 3, 2013

TCM Film Festival 2013- Dial "M" for Murder 3D

Today we have a post about the annual Tuner Classic Movie Film Festival, it's been some months since the Fest but it's never to late to share!

 Sunday April 28th 2013, day three of the film festival we went to Hollywood accompanied by a friend to see a Hitchcock classic- Dial "M" For Murder, starring the iconic Grace Kelly, along with Ray Midland and Robert Cummings. The movie was being shown on the big screen at the Chinese Multiplex 6, this is located on Hollywood Blvd. next to Grauman's Chinese theater.

We were especially excited because it was going to be shown how it was originally intended- in 3D. Unlike expected, the 3D in the 1950's was surprisingly high tech. Film critic Lenard Malton spoke with Norman Lloyd before the film an actor, director and friend of Alfred Hitchcock. He was 98yrs old!!! And is most known for his part in Saboteur and for directing over 20 episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents in the 1960's. TCM events are always well planned and have great guests, we all had a great time and can't wait for next year!  
in the theater before the movie
after the film at the front door

Inside the hall leading to the theater
(Bette Davis)

Julie Andrews

Steve McQueen
Sincerely, Vera


  1. THis looks fantastic! I live in LA, wish I had known about it.

  2. Is the photo outside one of you and your sisters? It is very sweet.

    Do you and your sisters all write this blog together?

    You left a comment on our blog quite some time ago (we have been sadly neglecting our blog for a very long time), and we wanted to stop by to thank you for visiting and do sincerely hope that you might stop by again sometime,

    Pepper & Spice
