This post is a little late, but better late than never!
Most of the vintage we wear comes from thrift stores and estate sales. For various reasons, some don't feel comfortable buying a stranger's old clothes but for a vintagist, that is basically what you do on a regular basis-and don't give it a moment's thought! That being said, there are some basic things we, personally, have learned about the estate sale.
In our area, an estate sale is different from a yard sale/ garage sale in these main ways:
1. Volume- usually everything in the house is for sale, or all of its contents are displayed on the lawn, in the garage and on the driveway
2. Variety of items- since the main goal is to sell everything, chances are you will be able to buy anything from teacups, to books, to clothes to picture frames
3. Quality- the items that are sold include the good stuff that people just have to get rid of, rather than only sifting through cast-offs or boxes of junk
This is what we came home with, all for $6.00
homemade 60's polyester tank |
homemade 60's polyester band-collar tank |
50's gloves |
1969 pattern- all pieces are still there! |